Examples of use of writing pad
1. There is a signpost to access a wide variety of games, film clips, stories, an illuminated guide to Hebrew letters and a digital writing pad that can be decorated with colorful objects.
2. A pen and a writing pad to doodle with ideas for notes and research ideas, iPod, Bose noise–reduction headphones to also keep out those unusual noises that I mentioned earlier, a book and lots of research material that I need to catch up with.
3. Love, Dot." There was also an inventory of the rest of his personal property on the day he died: "4 yellow envelopes. 1 writing pad. 1 religious beads. 1 Chap Stick. 14 Ramen soups. 1 grape jelly. 1 jar peanut butter. 1 hot cocoa mix. 1 box Q tips." The mortuary received a preliminary death certificate from the coroner‘s office.